
12 -Middle Class Blues

Timbuktoubab (2007)

A film about the collaboration between an American blues guitarist and 3 Malian musicians. The film observes them rehearsing, performing and speaking about what they have learned from each other.

This movie is part of the collection: Open Source Movies
Producer: Link Media, Inc.
Production Company: Link Media, Inc.


(2.42 MB)QuickTime 60Kb
(16 MB)QuickTime 350Kb

All Files: HTTP

Totalitarian Tiptoe Blues 'Ralph Buckley'

For more songs & videos log on at:

This movie is part of the collection: Open Source Movies

Producer: Ralph Buckley


(17 MB)512Kb MPEG4
(20 MB)Ogg Video
(58 MB)MPEG1

All Files: HTTP
[Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States]

Middle Class Blues - Music video for a band named brian

This is the music video for middle class blues as performed by a band named brian, brian is the first artist to be on 5ylac music www.5ylac.biz

This movie is part of the collection: Open Source Movies

Director: Chance
Producer: Robert St-John Smith
Production Company: 5YLAC Films
Keywords: 5YLAC; A band named brian; Middle class blues, music video
Contact Information: www.5ylac.biz

Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs


(12 MB)Ogg Video
(14 MB)512Kb MPEG4
(19 MB)QuickTime

All Files: HTTP

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